
segunda-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2011

Um mal que não me afecta (ainda...)

Esta excelente ilustração, gamada daqui, coloca a nu uma das principais fragilidades da condição humana da actualidade. Retirando deste contexto o GMail, que é deveras uma poderosa ferramenta de trabalho, considero o Facebook uma verdadeira perda de tempo. A sério, ao fim de 20m a cuscar  fotos alheias perco todo o interesse na coisa, ainda por cima com aquela enxurrada de convites e posts dos mais variados jogos (sinceramente não encontro piada a nenhum - e sim, gosto de jogos...), mal consigo ver algo que me interessa. E ainda por cima o Facebook promove a censura, como se comprova nest imagem:

O Twitter é diferente, o sistema em si está pensado para que rapidamente se coloque no ar o que se passa no momento. O problema é precisamente esse. Tanto podemos pedir ajuda a que os médicos sem fronteiras façam o seu habitual excelente trabalho, como neste tweet de Ann Curry, que foi considerado um dos mais importantes de 2010. Como podemos utilizar 3% da plataforma para isto...

domingo, 30 de janeiro de 2011

Com prazer!

Esta senhora vai ficar aqui a contorcer-se de prazer enquanto eu quiser :)

Gamado, com muito prazer, daqui

sábado, 29 de janeiro de 2011

And you are young...

“And you are young and life is long and there is time to kill today, and then one day you find ten years have got behind you; no one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun.”

Pink Floyd, Time.

sexta-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2011


“Your absence weighs more
than someone else’s presence”
- “Absence” by Jeffrey McDaniel 

Howling Bells Lyrics

"Howling Bells Setting Sun lyrics"
Mother will look with me
Father will pray for me
Religion will wait for me
Nobody waits for this long cant you see

Doers will do for me
What sinners could never dream
Science is in your head
Nobody hurts them selves but themselves can't you tell?

Haters will love in time
And lovers will feel their crime
Patience is all you need
That and the courage it takes just to be

One more day is not enough to change the world
But we'll rise and fall just like the setting sun
One day is not enough to change
But we'll rise and fall just like the setting sun

Yes she will lead me there
And you won't be anywhere
I'll find a quiet path
Somewhere alone where the shadows won't laugh

One more day is not enough to change the world
But we'll rise and fall just like the setting sun
One way is not enough to change
But we'll rise and fall just like the setting sun

Mother will look with me
Father will pray for me
Religion will wait for me
Nobody waits for this long can't you see

Yes she will lead me there
And you won't be anywhere
I'll find a quiet path
Somewhere alone where the shadows won't laugh

One more day is not enough to change the world
But we'll rise and fall just like the setting sun
One way is not enough to change
But we'll rise and fall just like the setting sun*3

I really hate this company...

Não serei o único, mas sou um dos maiores opositores ao que se passa no Facebook. Como já era no Hi5, e no Orkut. Destes só não tenho conta no Hi5, porque há limites de javardice que não admito passar. Bom, dizia eu que detesto o Facebook (mas mesmo assim tenho lá conta activa...), mas não estou sozinho nesta cruzada. A toda poderosa Google sente o mesmo que eu e arranjou uma forma original de o demonstrar, como a imagem deste post documenta. Não é montagem, experimentem enquanto este easter egg estiver activo no Google Translate. Escrevam "WE REALLY HATE THIS COMPANY" e vejam o resultado. 

O mais engraçado é que se colocarem o resultado novamente no Google Translate e trocarem os idiomas de lugar obtêm... "Our company is really using Facebook". É só bom humor lá pelos lados de Mountain View...

quinta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2011

השואה (*)

An unusual team for a roller
Description: Small feather, Indian ink, cardboard, 52 x 69 cm, USA 1970-80.  Collections of the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum.
Jan Baraś-Komski

No sábado passado publiquei o artigo "Paris ocupada... segundo a perspectiva Nazi" que serve de ponte para o dia de hoje. Para quem ainda não sabe hoje comemora-se o Dia Internacional em Memória das Vítimas do Holocausto. 

Porque tive familiares envolvidos directamente nesta tragédia, sei que o que se passou é verdade e nada do que se possa fazer ou dizer apagará da memória colectiva de um povo esta carnificina. Por isso é que já nem me consigo indignar de estudos como este da autoria de Díetfrid Krause-Vilmar, Historiador e cientista político, Ph.D em ciência política e educação, professor titular da Universidade de Kassel, Alemanha. Esta descrição do indivíduo faz todo o sentido, não se vá pensar que estamos a lidar com um "grupozeco" de Neonazis de vão de escada. Não é o caso, e esse é o nosso maior problema...

Inicialmente pensei em colocar aqui fotografias chocantes, como esta, com o intuito de alertar para este horrível acontecimento e que muitos tentam branquear, com as teorias de revisionismo ou negacionismo. Mas penso que uma mensagem de esperança e tolerância será mais correcta, embora menos chocante. E quem melhor do que as próprias vítimas para enviar essa mensagem?  Não consigo imaginar o sofrimento atroz que muitos sofreram nas mãos tenebrosas dos Nazis, mas esta colecção de arte, criada pelos próprios prisioneiros do campo de concentração de Auschwitz, são um ponto de partida. 

Sobre este assunto aconselho a leitura deste excelente post do meu muito urbano e atento amigo Miguel Lima do Tomo I, ou este fantástico artigo do estrondoso blog  A Rua da Judiaria.

(*) Holocausto em Hebreu.

terça-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2011

Uma carta épica dos Cleveland Browns para um Fã em 1974

Em Novembro de 1974, um fã dos Cleveland Browns, uma equipa de futebol americano, e portador de um bilhete de temporada enviou uma carta à equipa sobre a preocupação dele.

Os Cleveland Browns, ou mais especificamente, o seu conselho geral, enviou de volta uma resposta absolutamente épica.

Aqui estão as suas duas cartas...

E aqui está a resposta dos Browns:

segunda-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2011

DUX_XXI Playlist #2 - The begining

A 2ª edição da DUX_XXI playlist é composta por sonoridades tranquilas. Bem ao meu agrado e que eu espero que seja também do vosso.

1. Bang Gang: "It's Allright"
2. Maria Mena: I was made for loving you"
3. Khonoor: "Dusty"
4. Ra Ra Riot: "Ghost Under Rocks"
5. Death Cab for Cutie: "Transatlanticism"
6. Let's Go Sailing: "All I Want From You Is Love"
7. The Cinematic Orchestra: "To build a Home"
8. Lisa Gerrad: "The Sea Whisperer"
9. Jonh Cale: "Rene Magritte"

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Create a playlist at MixPod.com

domingo, 23 de janeiro de 2011

Em dia de eleições: Os 10 impostos mais estranhos do mundo

Até 2009 os traficantes no Tennesee precisavam pagar uma taxa sobre sua venda de substâncias ilegais. Os traficantes pagavam anonimamente e seu produto recebia um selo de aprovação do governo. De 2005 a 2009, o estado coletou seis milhões de dólares com esse imposto.

Os restantes 9 impostos podem ser vistos aqui.

Ground Zero 1945 Pictures by Atomic Bomb Survivors

"Civilization is the process of reducing the infinite to the finite."
Olver Wendell Holmes

Por vezes utilizamos a frase feita de que "uma imagem vale mais do que mil palavras" e agora pode-se acrescentar "... e um desenho também..." Estes são alguns desenhos impressionantes dos sobreviventes da Bomba Atómica de Hiroshima e Nagasaki em 1945 - um massacre promovido pelos Estados Unidos da América e que redundou na rendição do Império do Japão.

4-12 Years Old

A mother fled the flames with her child in her arms.
Year of Birth: 1933 \ Age at time of blast: 12 \ Age when image created: 41

KOJIRI Tsutomu
Picking up maggots that appeared in the wounds.
Year of Birth: 1940 \ Age at time of blast: 4 \ Age when image created: 34

KOJIRI Tsutomu
Shrine gate and the Hiroshima Dome.
Year of Birth: 1940 \ Age at time of blast: 4 \ Age when image created: 34

At Ninoshima Elementary School a moment after the blast.
Year of Birth: 1938 \ Age at time of blast: 7 \ Age when image created: 37

A young pregnant woman and children fleeing near Koi.
Year of Birth: 1933 \ Age at time of blast: 11 \ Age when image created: 40

Parachute and fireball of the bomb.
Year of Birth: 1935 \ Age at time of blast: 10 \ Age when image created: 40

Heaped up corpses. Most people are dead with their eyes open.
Year of Birth: 1938 \ Age at time of blast: 6 \ Age when image created: 35

Early Teens 13-15 Years

Dead body of a U.S. POW tied to a bridge rail.
Year of Birth: 1930 \ Age at time of blast: 15 \ Age when image created: 45

MANO Katsuko
Soldiers cremating corpses on a galvanized iron sheet.
Year of Birth: 1931 \ Age at time of blast: 14 \ Age when image created: 44

Running away with a friend. My friend, whose feet were burned, crawled across the wooden bridge over Ota River.
Year of Birth: 1931 \ Age at time of blast: 14 \ Age when image created: 42

A severely burned mother and child asked passersby for water.
Year of Birth: 1930 \ Age at time of blast: 15 \ Age when image created: 45

Half-naked people running on a street, their hair burned and frizzled.
Year of Birth: 1930 \ Age at time of blast: 15 \ Age when image created: 44

Female students at Nukushina Elementary School. Scene from the window is the burning city of Hiroshima.
Year of Birth: 1930 \ Age at time of blast: 15 \ Age when image created: 44

Students at a relief station died calling for their mothers and fathers.
Year of Birth: 1931 \ Age at time of blast: 14 \ Age when image created: 43

Lines of survivors fleeing in silence at Ochigodao Peak.
Year of Birth: 1931 \ Age at time of blast: 14 \ Age when image created: 43

People jumped into the river to escape the tremendous heat of the fire, and many drowned and were swept away.
Year of Birth: 1931 \ Age at time of blast: 14 \ Age when image created: 43

Corpses piled up in a water tank.
Year of Birth: 1930 \ Age at time of blast: 15 \ Age when image created: 45

Cremating family members.
Year of Birth: 1932 \ Age at time of blast: 13 \ Age when image created: 41

USAGAWA Yoshitaka
An infant clinging to its dead mother.
Year of Birth: 1931 \ Age at time of blast: 14 \ Age when image created: 43

Immediately after the explosion, I walked over the injured people to escape from a streetcar.
Year of Birth: 1931 \ Age at time of blast: 14 \ Age when image created: 43

People walking along the river. Sergeant Fumoto. Corpses floating in the river.
Year of Birth: 1932 \ Age at time of blast: 13 \ Age when image created: 42

A child burned raw.
Year of Birth: 1930 \ Age at time of blast: 15 \ Age when image created: 44

Cremating family members.
Year of Birth: 1932 \ Age at time of blast: 13 \ Age when image created: 41

Youths 16-20 Years

Dead pupils on the verandah of an elementary school. One dead boy was standing and leaning on an umbrella shelf.
Year of Birth: 1928 \ Age at time of blast: 16 \ Age when image created: 46

August 31: My younger brother who died vomiting blood. His nose was bleeding, and his hair had fallen out. There were small red spots all over his body.
Year of Birth: 1924 \ Age at time of blast: 20 \ Age when image created: 50

In a split second strange rings of lights spread over my head.
Year of Birth: 1924 \ Age at time of blast: 20 \ Age when image created: 49

A sea of fire filled with the moans of people pinned under their collapsed houses.
Year of Birth: 1924 \ Age at time of blast: 20 \ Age when image created: 50

Loading corpses on a hand-drawn cart.
Year of Birth: 1928 \ Age at time of blast: 16 \ Age when image created: 46

English translation of description is coming
Year of Birth: 1927 \ Age at time of blast: 18 \ Age when image created: 47

Charred body of a four or five-year-old child pointing to the sky.
Year of Birth: 1924 \ Age at time of blast: 20 \ Age when image created: 49

A woman driven by unbearable thirst trying to catch black raindrops in her mouth.
Year of Birth: 1925 \ Age at time of blast: 19 \ Age when image created: 49

KIHARA Toshiko
As we fearfully crossed a railroad bridge, my two borthers and I saw bloated red, blue, green, and purple corpses floating.
Year of Birth: 1928 \ Age at time of blast: 17 \ Age when image created: 47

KIHARA Toshiko
People who died in the water tank. Suffering middle-school students. A horse in agony. A mother and child.
Year of Birth: 1928 \ Age at time of blast: 17 \ Age when image created: 47

KIHARA Toshiko
Swollen corpses turned blue, red and purple.
Year of Birth: 1928 \ Age at time of blast: 17 \ Age when image created: 47
Date of image depicted: 1945/8/8

I ran toward my house through a sea of flames.
Year of Birth: 1925 \ Age at time of blast: 20 \ Age when image created: 49

One day later: Corpses in a water tank. The charred body of a mother holding a baby, still standing as if in flight.
Year of Birth: 1928 \ Age at time of blast: 17 \ Age when image created: 46

People fleeing toward Yoshijima airport. Their clothes were torn, and their bodies were burned red, their skin was peeling off and hanging down.
Year of Birth: 1925 \ Age at time of blast: 20 \ Age when image created: 50

Children Viewed by Adults

Dead students about 14 or 15 years old in the river, and mothers calling their names.
Year of Birth: 1907 \ Age at time of blast: 37 \ Age when image created: 67

A child, covering himself with a futon, in front of a house which was burning down screaming "Mother, it's too hot!" / Approx. 1.3 kilometers from the hypocenter / August 6, 1945, around 11:00 a.m. / Eiichi Munekiyo
Year of Birth: 1912 \ Age at time of blast: 33 \ Age when image created: 62

A junior high school student was exposed to the bomb while demolishing buildings for a firebreak. He was taken home by his teacher. His skin had peeled off and hung down. He died that night.
Year of Birth: 1899 \ Age at time of blast: 45 \ Age when image created: 75

His lower leg cut off, a junior high student cries, "Please help me."
Year of Birth: 1908 \ Age at time of blast: 37 \ Age when image created: 66

Corpses of young students in the the Shin-Ohashi Bridge area.
Year of Birth: 1907 \ Age at time of blast: 38 \ Age when image created: 68

A mother looking for a place to cremate her dead child.
Year of Birth: 1913 \ Age at time of blast: 32 \ Age when image created: 61

ISHIZU Kazuhiro
Survivors burned over their whole bodies flee the city.
Year of Birth: 1908 \ Age at time of blast: 37 \ Age when image created: 66

Charred bodies of a parent and child whose gender could not be distinuished.
Year of Birth: 1904 \ Age at time of blast: 41 \ Age when image created: 71

A boy around three-years-old, whose body was burned all over, eating a red tomato.
Year of Birth: 1909 \ Age at time of blast: 35 \ Age when image created: 64

Dead? A mother holding her child. Nearby was a dead cow.
Year of Birth: 1913 \ Age at time of blast: 32 \ Age when image created: 61

Survivors with white ointments applied to their burns. A child is trying to nurse at the breast of its severely injured mother.
Year of Birth: 1906 \ Age at time of blast: 39 \ Age when image created: 67

A fleeing schoolgirl.
Year of Birth: 1900 \ Age at time of blast: 45 \ Age when image created: 74

Charred body of a mother who died while trying to protect her child. Her hair stands on end.
Year of Birth: 1915 \ Age at time of blast: 30 \ Age when image created: 60

Overview of August 6, 1945

Ruins of a barber shop. A skelton remained sitting on a chair.
Year of Birth: 1903 \ Age at time of blast: 42 \ Age when image created: 71

Black rain started falling. Some drank water from a puddle. Others opened their mouths wide to catch the raindrops.
Year of Birth: 1911 \ Age at time of blast: 34 \ Age when image created: 64

YOKOYAMA Yoshihisa
Night scene of cremating the dead at the riverbed.
Year of Birth: 1913 \ Age at time of blast: 32 \ Age when image created: 62

NAKANO Kenichi
A hell-like city in a sea of fire.
Year of Birth: 1898 \ Age at time of blast: 47 \ Age when image created: 76

A dead horse whose eyes were popped out by the explosion.
Year of Birth: 1913 \ Age at time of blast: 31 \ Age when image created: 60

Growing mushroom cloud, glittering silver under the mid-summer sun.
Year of Birth: 1938 \ Age at time of blast: 6 \ Age when image created: 36

A woman whose burned skin had peeled off and was hanging down.
Year of Birth: 1913 \ Age at time of blast: 32 \ Age when image created: 61

Fleeing female students whose whole bodies were burned.
Year of Birth: 1900 \ Age at time of blast: 45 \ Age when image created: 75

TAMURA Shigemasa
In front of the Prefecture Hospital, people stood in a long line waiting for treatment for their burns. Treated with medicine that looked like white paint, they turned white all over. Everyone died asking for water.
Year of Birth: 1938 \ Age at time of blast: 6 \ Age when image created: 36

Jumping into the river to escape the flames, people drowned.
Year of Birth: 1915 \ Age at time of blast: 32 \ Age when image created: 62

Seen from Hijiyama Hill, the city was a bright red burning Hell.
Year of Birth: 1923 \ Age at time of blast: 22 \ Age when image created: 51

Homes Shielded from Conflagration

NAKANO Kenichi
There was one man still alive in the streetcar, and he asked for water.
Year of Birth: 1898 \ Age at time of blast: 47 \ Age when image created: 76

Placing names on the injured before death at Honkawa Elementary School.
Year of Birth: 1909 \ Age at time of blast: 36 \ Age when image created: 66

One hour after the explosion: From a hill on the outskirts, we looked out over the city engulfed in flames.
Year of Birth: 1897 \ Age at time of blast: 48 \ Age when image created: 76

They fled with their arms raised in front like a procession of ghosts.
Year of Birth: 1899 \ Age at time of blast: 45 \ Age when image created: 74

Year of Birth: 1913 \ Age at time of blast: 32 \ Age when image created: 61
Date of image depicted: 1945/8/6

HARA Yoshimi
Transferring the wounded to Otake by boat. Not enough care was provided, and nothing could be done under artillery fire by enemy planes.
Year of Birth: 1919 \ Age at time of blast: 26 \ Age when image created: 55

OGAWA Sagami
Corpses in the water tank were swollen and red while those around it were charred and shrunken.
Year of Birth: 1917 \ Age at time of blast: 28 \ Age when image created: 57

My dead friends. They became bald. Their gums and fingertips bled, and they died.
Year of Birth: 1911 \ Age at time of blast: 34 \ Age when image created: 63

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